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In many cases, the solution to the original error is easily found and the visitor can be quickly directed to the web page that they were originally looking for. So how exactly can you go about achieving a error fix? Our advice would be to try out these potential solutions in the order that they are listed :.
Search engines, such as Google and Bing, will have a negative impression of a site if it has many errors. This may result in a considerable decrease in visitor numbers for the website. This applies to internal error pages on their own website as well as external error pages on other sites.
There are numerous free tools available to help you find these broken links more easily. Three of the best and most well-known are:. You can create an error page as follows:. Having a standard error page is better than having none at all, although a customized page is more preferred for several reasons. The visitor then knows that this content has been permanently deleted. On the other hand, you can provide a specially-designed error page containing related links i.
You could even add a search function for your website. By taking these extra measures and providing incentives, you might be able to prevent visitors from leaving your site straight after seeing the code. With a creative message you may even find that visitors are more forgiving. Naturally they will be disappointed at not finding content they were promised, but an original or funny page could make up for it.
If done properly, error pages do have some potential. Make sure that the design of the error message matches the style of your website and you already have the foundation for a good error page. For inspiration, check out our article on cool and creative pages. Users encounter server status reports time and time again and if you know how to interpret them you can act accordingly.
Knowledge of HTTP codes is even more relevant for website owners. With the right know-how you can vastly improve user experience on your homepage, which will have an effect on the search engine ranking. The trends driving web development are moving away from static web presences and heading increasingly in the direction of interactive content. Client-side script languages like JavaScript make it possible for a site to react to user In order to access a web page in a browser, you just have to enter the URL into the address bar in your web browser and the requested website will pop up on your screen.
Learn about what happens when you access a website — from the URL translation to the relevant IP address via data transfer, Internet users are often confronted with error messages. We explain what the error message means and how to fix the error. The infamous blue screen of death usually shows up without any warning. If Windows can no longer be run as a result of such a problem, then the forced shutdown takes place in the form of a blue screen containing an error message.
This may cause unsaved files and documents to be lost. The most important thing with With a real estate website, you can set yourself apart from the competition With the right tools, a homepage for tradesmen can be created quickly and legally compliant Why wait?
Grab your favorite domain name today! Matching email. SSL certificate. Save now. Our advice would be to try out these potential solutions in the order that they are listed : Reload the page : It might be that the error has appeared for the simple reason that the page did not load properly. Check the URL : Regardless of whether you have entered the URL address manually or been directed via a link, could be that a mistake has been made.
Google keeps it simple. Just an image of a broken robot and a simple almost technical error message. Probably a testament to their engineering roots and focus on finding just the right answer every time. The capitalised text in particular makes it harder to read, causing the user to tarry longer on their journey than they might otherwise prefer. A fun little game is a great way to entertain your lost visitors if you have the time to put one together.
It definitely helped it make this list! Dribbble is a website for designers looking for inspiration, so what better way to help a lost visitor than letting them pick a colour and giving them links to designs of that colour. Another example of a website page that deeply understands why their customers are there, and then works hard to give those customers that content wherever they go. Behance, a similar site to Dribbble that offers visual inspiration for designers is a little more sterile by comparison.
Simplicity often comes with its own power. A simple page with copywriting that borders on blaming the user for the error unlike Adobe, who immediately take responsibility for the error and work to help the user. This visitors day just got a little less happy seeing this. The Interaction Design Foundation gives the visitor a chance to send an email message saying what they were doing when they got lost and asking what they were expecting to see instead.
There is noble if misguided intent in this approach - what they really should be doing if they care enough about their visitors is reviewing their website error logs or using simple online website spidering tools and identifying common reasons that people are failing to get to their intended destinations. A simple and relatively fun image of a kid is an unusual departure from our pages to date, but it works well as it combines with a clear message and links back to their homepage, help pages and trending deals.
The Etihad copywriters missed the memo on brevity, taking 3 lines to communicate what one line would normally achieve while giving the user some bad advice at the same time Check the URL and try again. How many average web users properly understand how a URL is formatted? A bog standard page that ticks all the boxes without truly offering anything inspirational.
Arriving at a page rarely means life or death, so Mailchimp does it right here by taking responsiblity for the error while giving the visitor options to proceed. Ticks all the boxes, and helps reinforce their brand. The error message is loud and clear. Lego does a great job here.
A simple monochromatic offering. One slight criticism is the main action button Go Back Home is hard to immediately identify. UI Movement use their error page to promote the weekly subscribtion of their newsletter, smart! Author Bio: Saadia Minhas is a UX Design Passionate with extensive experience of leading and developing amazing user experience by delivering high quality design for products and projects all over the world. Join over , designers and product visionaries who design, test and share their prototypes with Fluid UI.
This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service:. Start prototyping instantly. Sign up for a free lifetime account. Create account. How Augmented Reality is set to revolutionise User Experience.
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