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In: African Geology. Dessauvagie, T. Geology Dept. Ibadan, Nigeria , — Butler, B. London , — Clark , F. Ekwueme, B. African Earth Sci. Elueze, A. Freeth, S. Garrels, R. McCurry, P. In: Geology of Nigeria. Kogbe, C. Elizabethan Pub. Lagos, Nigeria , 15— Middleton, G. Olade, M. Oyawoye, M. Nigerian Min. Dessauvagie, J. Ibadan, Nigeria , 67— Pettijohn, F. Rahaman, M. Mining Geol. Rahman, A. Scotford, D. Shaw, D. Part III, Major elements and general geochemistry. Winkler, H. Download references. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.
Reprints and Permissions. Geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks of Uwet area, Oban Massif, southeastern Nigeria. Geol Rundsch 75, — Download citation. Issue Date : June Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Abstract Metasediments comprising phyllites, schists and gneisses constitute the predominant rock types in Uwet area of the Oban Massif of southeastern Nigeria. Короткое содержание В регионе Увет массив а Обан на юговостоке Н игерии господствующим типо м пород являются мета седиментные породы, состоящие из ф иллитов, сланцев и гнейсов.
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Knowledge Discovery Software zur Unterstutzung des Knowledge Management Systems eines Automobilzulieferers" в интернет-магазине OZON со скидкой! The present Ordinance implements the Federal Mining Act of 13 August (BGBl. I p. ) and the Mineral Deposit Act of 4 December (RGBI. I p. The present Announcement implements article 69 of the Federal Mining Act of 13 August (BGBl. I p. ). In particular, the Announcement lays down.